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The Limits of Alignment (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Limits of Alignment (Paperback)
Product Description

The Limits of Alignment is an engaging and accessible study that explores how small states and middle powers of Southeast Asia ensure their security in a world where they are overshadowed by greater powers. John D. Ciorciari challenges a central concept in international relations theory-that states respond to insecurity by either balancing against their principal foes bandwagoning with them or declaring themselves neutral. Instead he shows that developing countries prefer limited alignments that steer between strict neutrality and formal alliances to obtain the fruits of security cooperation without the perils of undue dependency. Ciorciari also shows how structural and normative shifts following the end of the Cold War and the advent of U.S. primacy have increased the prevalence of limited alignments in the developing world and that these can often place constraints on U.S. foreign policy. Finally he discusses how limited alignments in the developing world may affect the future course of international security as China and other rising powers gather influence on the world stage.

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March 9, 2025

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