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Long Story Short

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Product Name
Long Story Short
Product Description

Sarah Kelton s new release Long Story Short is a collection of expertly crafted songs that feature beautiful melodies honest and engaging lyrics an array of acoustic instruments and competent production. Sarah s voice while obviously displaying excellent technique and experience has a young vulnerable quality to it; revealing an honest and transparent artist sharing her truest feelings with the world. The songs showcase Kelton s different musical influences and reveal her strong creative capabilities as a seasoned songwriter. On the Bluegrass influenced High Tide Kelton gives us evocative lines like it s a wild ride high tide emotional suicide trying to force the future to come . The tune Let your love wash through me not only features creative new ways of expressing love but it drives with a very catchy and enjoyable groove that is something between a twist beat and reggae. This collection showcases clever lyrics such as broken heart disease and I am sure of one thing he is so wonderfully wrong for me yet also reveal an authentic and vulnerable artist with songs like Guessing Game which expresses the very simple but powerful desire we all have to find love and reminds us of how complicated it actually is to find it. Three-time Grammy award winning producer Tom Wasinger and veteran drummer Larry Thompson are featured on Kelton s new release Long Story Short.

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Last updated
December 22, 2024

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