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Information Technology Project Management (Edition 6) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Information Technology Project Management (Edition 6) (Paperback)
Product Description

Information is traveling faster and being shared by more individuals than ever before. Information Technology Project Management REVISED Sixth Edition offers the behind-the-scene aspect of technology. Although project management has been an established field for many years managing information technology requires ideas and information that go beyond standard project management. By weaving together theory and practice this text presents an understandable integrated view of the many concepts skills tools and techniques involved in project management. Because the project management field and the technology industry change rapidly you cannot assume that what worked even five years ago is still the best approach today. This text provides up-to-date information on how good project management and effective use of software can help you manage projects especially information technology projects. Information Technology Project Management REVISED Sixth Edition is still the only textbook to apply all nine project management knowledge areas: project integration scope time cost quality human resource communications risk and procurement management. Also all five process groups: initiating planning executing monitoring and controlling and closing to information technology projects. MS Project 2010 CD comes with the Revised 6e of Schwalbe.

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March 4, 2025

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