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Yoga Life - Coloring Book : A Yoga Book for Beginners (54+ Things to Know Sports) (Paperback)

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Yoga Life - Coloring Book : A Yoga Book for Beginners (54+ Things to Know Sports) (Paperback)
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A Mindfulness coloring book for yoga lovers and Health Fitness & Dieting: Is the Great Experience Great Value. Enjoy a great reading experience when you borrow the edition of this book with your Learn more about. Improve Your Health With Yoga! Learn why successful people like Beyoncé Ryan Gosling and Arianna Huffington all practice yoga! Get access to 54+ yoga poses with step-by-step instructions to develop your own yoga practice: Do you often feel stressed tense or even anxious? Would you like to live a healthier and happier life instead? Now you can: The Yoga Bible For Beginners will allow you to reconnect with your deepest self again so you can experience deep joy contentment and inner peace. Get Your Copy of The Yoga For Beginners: Moreover yoga has been shown to alleviate symptoms of: - Back pain - Scoliosis - Fibromyalgia - Heart disease - Stress As well as help to: - Become more flexible - Normalize blood pressure and - Lose weight - And that s just the tip of the iceberg Get Your Hands on The Yoga For Beginners: According to a recent study the number of Americans that practice yoga regularly has grown from 20.4 million in 2012 to a staggering 36 million in 2016! And that number has likely only increased since then. This many people can t be wrong... In today s world we are constantly stimulated and tempted to keep up with Joneses. As a result many people have lost the connection between their mind and body. Sound familiar? Yoga can help restore this balance. For example one study showed that yoga - even when practiced for the very first time! - can lower cortisol levels a stress hormone. Enjoy beautiful pictures of all the major yoga poses: Yoga is well known for increasing flexibility but it goes far beyond giving your muscles a good stretch. This form of exercise can be as intense as you want to make it! At the same time it is extremely easy to begin and it fits smoothly into any lifestyle. If you only have ten minutes to spare that s all it will take to reap many benefits from yoga. Then be sure to enjoy the many pictures and descriptions throughout the book showing the proper techniques. The purpose of yoga is to enhance both your physical well being and your mental alertness. Yoga is an effective workout strategy practiced by people all over the world. Anyone can practice yoga. Reading to discover what yoga can do for you. Why You Should Check Out The Yoga Bible For Beginners: In this book I will take you by the hand. I ll teach you how you can: develop your own yoga practice in the safety of your own home and take back control of your health and happiness If you apply what you will learn in The Yoga Bible For Beginners your life will never be the same. So take out your mat and get ready for your first pose! Let s get started shall we?

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March 4, 2025

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