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Carex Twice-a-Day (AM/PM) Plastic Weekly Pill Box/Medicine Organizer with See-Through Lids

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Product Name
Carex Twice-a-Day (AM/PM) Plastic Weekly Pill Box/Medicine Organizer with See-Through Lids
Product Description

Keep your medication in order. Simply take a few extra minutes to set the organizer for effortless doses throughout the week. The Carex pill organizer box features tabbed compartments that open easily and securely snap shut to ensure your medicine stays put. The AM and PM slots are differently colored for easy distinction allowing you to safely take the appropriate drug. The twice-a-day pill organizer is easy to maintain as well. Once the week is over simply rinse the container under warm water and air dry. The Apex weekly pill organizer is ideal for those who are taking numerous medications and want to prevent missed or extra dosages.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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