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Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: Smart AD and Da Conversion (Hardcover)

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Analog Circuits and Signal Processing: Smart AD and Da Conversion (Hardcover)
Product Description

The history of the application of semiconductors for controlling currents goes back all the way to 1926 in which Julius Lilienfeld led a patent for a Method and apparatus for controlling electric currents [1] which is considered the rst work on metal/semiconductor eld-effect transistors. More well-known is the work of William Shockley John Bardeen and Walter Brattain in the 1940s [2 3] after which the development of semiconductor devices commenced. In 1958 independent work from Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce ledto the invention of integrated circuits. A few milestones in IC design are the rst monolithic operational ampli er in 1963 (Fairchild?A702 Bob Widlar) and the rst o- chip 4-bit microprocessor in 1971 (Intel 4004). Ever since the start of the semiconductor history integration plays an imp- tant role: starting from single devices ICs with basic functions were developed (e. g. opamps logic gates) followed by ICs that integrate larger parts of a s- tem (e. g. microprocessors radio tuners audio ampli ers). Following this trend of system integration this eventually leads to the integration of analog and d- ital components in one chip resulting in mixed-signal ICs: digital components are required because signal processing is preferably done in the digital - main; analog components are required because physical signals are analog by nature. Mixed-signal ICs are already widespread in many applications (e. g. - dio video); for the future it is expected that this trend will continue leading to a larger scale of integration.

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March 4, 2025

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