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Bronner Bros BB Tropical Roots Locking Gel Frizz Free Female

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Product Name
Bronner Bros BB Tropical Roots Locking Gel Frizz Free Female
Product Description

Bronner Bros BB Tropical Roots Locking Gel Frizz Free Female with powerful Essential Energizing Vitamins that strengthen hair & fight hair loss Tropical Roots TM Locking Gel contains natural tropical ingredients to begin and maintain healthy lightweight braids locks and twists keeping the Har frizz free with a natural luster. Tropical Roots is filled with stimulating agents that promote growth Unlike other locking products Tropical Roots doesn t have any dyes or artificial colors. The reddish color comes from a powerful hair vitamin that is also a brain nutrient. Directions: To begin or maintain locks/twists apply Tropical Roots TM Locking Gel to damp unlocked hair. Use a comb fingertips or the palm rolling technique to twist new growth clockwise use clips to hold twists and sections in place. Next sit under dryer until twists are complete proceed to use Tropical Roots Growth C scalp and twists for longer lasting styles manageably moisture luster and to promote hair growth.

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Last updated
March 5, 2025

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