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Mind in Life: Biology Phenomenology and the Sciences of Mind (Paperback)

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Product Name
Mind in Life: Biology Phenomenology and the Sciences of Mind (Paperback)
Product Description

How is life related to the mind? The question has long confounded philosophers and scientists and it is this so-called explanatory gap between biological life and consciousness that Evan Thompson explores in Mind in Life. Thompson draws upon sources as diverse as molecular biology evolutionary theory artificial life complex systems theory neuroscience psychology Continental Phenomenology and analytic philosophy to argue that mind and life are more continuous than has previously been accepted and that current explanations do not adequately address the myriad facets of the biology and phenomenology of mind. Where there is life Thompson argues there is mind: life and mind share common principles of self-organization and the self-organizing features of mind are an enriched version of the self-organizing features of life. Rather than trying to close the explanatory gap Thompson marshals philosophical and scientific analyses to bring unprecedented insight to the nature of life and consciousness. This synthesis of phenomenology and biology helps make Mind in Life a vital and long-awaited addition to his landmark volume The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (coauthored with Eleanor Rosch and Francisco Varela). Endlessly interesting and accessible Mind in Life is a groundbreaking addition to the fields of the theory of the mind life science and phenomenology.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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