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Pharmacology Case Study Workbook (Paperback)

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Pharmacology Case Study Workbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Written by a distinguished nursing professional with over 25 years of experience Pharmacology Case Study Workbook provides nursing students with an opportunity to apply pharmacology concepts to real-world situations. The text features 50 case studies based on real-life clinical situations that challenge students to think critically and develop effective problem-solving skills. Case studies present patients medication history enabling students to learn about the disease process from the point of medication use - an approach used in actual clinical practice. Other features include a review of key terms home and intensive care scenarios and a list of variables that must be considered in order to conduct an appropriate case analysis. Also present are a series of questions that will help guide students in developing effective ways to handle the scenario. Perfect for individual or group use Pharmacology Case Studies is a valuable tool to help prepare nursing students for clinical practice!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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