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Simple Skin Beauty : Every Woman s Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy Gorgeous Skin (Paperback)

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Product Name
Simple Skin Beauty : Every Woman s Guide to a Lifetime of Healthy Gorgeous Skin (Paperback)
Product Description

What if a leading dermatologist just happened to be your best friend and you could ask her anything? DR. ELLEN MARMUR a world-renowned New York City dermatologist answers all your questions with this comprehensive cutting-edge guide to healthy beautiful skin. As a skin cancer surgeon--and a skin cancer survivor herself--Dr. Marmur has treated thousands of patients confused about sun protection cosmeceuticals and antiaging procedures. She believes that you need just three basic essentials for gorgeous healthy skin and offers refreshingly accessible solutions to issues like acne breakouts dry skin wrinkles and more. You ll get answers to important questions such as: - What s the difference between sunblock and sunscreen and which ingredients are the best? - Will drinking a lot of water make my skin look better? - What is the best facial cleanser and moisturizer for my skin? - What besides plastic surgery can help my sagging neck? - How do I know if this freckle is skin cancer? - Which antiaging products truly work? - What should I ask my dermatologist if I m considering Botox fillers lasers or other procedures? Filled with Dr. Marmur s passionate expertise Simple Skin Beauty is the definitive go-to handbook for protecting your skin at any age.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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