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Hockey Superstitions : From Playoff Beards to Crossed Sticks and Lucky Socks (Paperback)

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Hockey Superstitions : From Playoff Beards to Crossed Sticks and Lucky Socks (Paperback)
Product Description

One of North America s best-known hockey writers examines the strangest rituals and superstitions within the NHL. Why did Wayne Gretzky start every pre-game warm-up by shooting wide to the right of the net (a rather funny habit given that he scored more goals than anyone in the game s history)? Why do many hockey players seem to believe performance is tied directly to facial hair? Why does Geoff Sanderson use a different length stick for every period? And why did Petr Klima break his stick after every goal he scored? Hockey Superstitions by one of Canada s best-known hockey writers Andrew Podnieks explores the fascinating and fun world of hockey superstitions: their origins their quirks and the mythology around them. Along the way it gives us an original look into the minds of the players and coaches behind them.

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Last updated
February 13, 2025

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