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Presto 4-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker 01341

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Product Name
Presto 4-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker 01341
Product Description

The Presto 4-Quart Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker 01341 is a smart choice for preparing healthy flavorful meals fast and easy! Cooks 3 to 10 times faster than ordinary cooking methods--saving time energy and money. This Presto 4-quart pressure cooker is made of long-lasting stainless steel with a tri-clad base that features a layer of aluminum between two layers of stainless steel for fast even heat distribution. Works on gas electric smooth-top and induction ranges. Chicken fish vegetables even desserts cook to perfection fast. Quickly tenderizes leaner cuts of meat. Pressure cooking preserves colors flavors and nutrients. The pressure regulator automatically maintains proper cooking pressure and a cover lock indicator shows at a glance if there is pressure inside the cooker. Includes easy-to-follow instructions and delicious recipes. Cooking rack allows several foods to cook at once with no intermingling of flavors. Easy-to-grip helper handle provides convenient handling. Fully immersible and dishwasher safe. Extended 12-year limited warranty. Presto 4 Qt. SSTL Pressure Cooker condition is new.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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