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Microjig GRR-Ripper Advanced Pushblock (2-Pack)

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Product Name
Microjig GRR-Ripper Advanced Pushblock (2-Pack)
Product Description

Unbelievable gripping power with Green-GRIP. Green-GRIP is the proprietary non-slip material that gives you superior gripping power over workpieces and materials such as oak cherry walnut ebony pine poplar maple plastics and aluminum. Treaded grooves provide increased traction on the workpiece even with sawdust. Easily cleaned with denatured or rubbing alcohol. No other push block’s grip comes close. Precisely safe. Safely precise. Precision control and safety has never been so smart. The GRR-RIPPER acts as a Moving-Blade-Guard for total hand protection. The Adjustable Center Leg grips the off cut piece and prevents wood burn. The 1/4″ Leg controls the keeper piece. Balance Support stabilizes small and narrow workpieces. Fully adjustable to allow for a myriad of uses. Versatility – Table Saws Bandsaws Router Tables Jointers & More Rip long stock on the table saw by using two GRR-RIPPERs with the hand-over-hand or leapfrog technique. Flip the GRR-RIPPER for resawing and veneers Use the GRR-RIPPER in the vertical position to resaw or veneer cuts firmly against the fence to prevent bandsaw drift and ensure a straight cut from beginning to end. Safe and smart freehand and edge routing Control your workpiece when freehand routing on your router table. Extreme traction for face jointing For proper and safe face jointing you need technique and reliable heavy-duty holding power. Strengthen your operation with our patented Green-GRIP non-slip material.

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Last updated
February 10, 2025

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