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Oscar Schmidt Soprano Ukulele Accessory Bundle OSC UKE SPACK

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Product Name
Oscar Schmidt Soprano Ukulele Accessory Bundle OSC UKE SPACK
Product Description

Includes: Oscar Schmidt Soprano Ukulele Gig Bag Designed to hold and transport ukulele Can be carried using the padded carry handle or backpack strap 7mm foamed-lined interior A new line of durable and affordable gig bags designed to hold and transport the your new uke! These lightweight bags were designed for easier mobility; bag can be carried using the padded carry handle or backpack strap. All bags features a 7mm foamed-lined interior. Aquila Soprano Ukulele Strings Features: Aquila Strings Made in Italy Nylgut has elevated resistance to wear under tension greater than that of gut-but even more important is its extraordinary immunity to changes of climate Soprano regular high G Clip-on Tuner Features: Extra large screen displays note and tuning process Easy to clip onto any instrument Adjustable view angle Extremely sensitive and stable tuning TMS Polishing Cloth

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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