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Association of European Lawyers: Retention of Title Clauses in Sale of Goods Contracts in Europe (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Association of European Lawyers: Retention of Title Clauses in Sale of Goods Contracts in Europe (Hardcover)
Product Description

The book sets out the characteristics and nature of Retention of Title Clauses in the UK and 14 other European countries. ROTs stand at the junction of so many aspects of substantive law including contract sale of goods trusts personal property security and company charges. This work identifies these concepts as they apply in each Jurisdiction considered. At present there is no work which sets out ROTs as a phenomenon in the Commercial Law of Europe and there is no point of easy reference for anyone working in the field in this regard. An obvious virtue of this work is that it makes the law accessible. Each essay is written by experts in the field within their own Jurisdiction.

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December 3, 2024

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