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Feeding the Soul (Because It s My Business): Finding Our Way to Joy Love and Freedom (Hardcover)

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Feeding the Soul (Because It s My Business): Finding Our Way to Joy Love and Freedom (Hardcover)
Product Description

Take the Course Called Life Honey and you ll find out how much meaning is in everything you ve ever done. Every single thing you do has purpose okay? I m a witness to the fact that when you get a chance to look back at all that s happened you ll see how everything you wondered about were afraid of or didn t understand was actually lining up like a perfect puzzle. So when people ask me Girl what did you do to be blessed like this? I just tell him I was out here living. Working hard being truthful and sharing my story. That s really all I did. My soul woke up realized that I was enough and decided that everything I ever needed lived right inside me. So let me tell you this some truth: Everything you need is right there inside you. Let your life launch you into your destiny. Book jacket.

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March 4, 2025

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