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Tetra BettaMin Flake Medley for Betta Fish Complete Color-Boost Flakes and Dried Krill 0.81 oz.

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Product Name
Tetra BettaMin Flake Medley for Betta Fish Complete Color-Boost Flakes and Dried Krill 0.81 oz.
Product Description

Keep your betta in top form with Tetra® BettaMin™ Flake Medley a nutritionally complete blend of thin flakes with dried kill for betta fish. Ideal for top feeders this ingredient blend helps boost the color of your fish and provides the daily nutrients your betta needs. Plus this flake medley is specifically designed for easy digestion which means reduced fish waste for cleaner and clearer water.* You can also feel good knowing these flakes are made with no artificial flavors added and no colors from artificial sources. Feed up to three times daily only as much as your fish can consume within three minutes. *Tetra flake food formulations have been specifically designed to be easily digested by fish thereby helping to keep aquarium water cleaner and clearer when used as directed.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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