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What a Blast! Fun Snack and Activity Basket for Kids

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Product Name
What a Blast! Fun Snack and Activity Basket for Kids
Product Description

Send someone you love a Smile Today! Our smiley face gift box is on his way to brighten their day with a fun filled game word puzzle cube puzzle books silly string and more. And to keep their energy up while they have all their fun we ve even included a variety of everyone s favorite snacks too. A great gift for any younger person on your mind today. This fun gift includes: - Playskool doodle pad -Children s board game (assortments include checkers chutes & ladders Bingo) - Annoying & Gross Songs CD for Kids with activity book -Silly string -Word jumble puzzle cube game -Miniature hopping & popping bombs -Finger bowling game -Smiley face kick ball -Lifesaver Gummies -Crackers Jacks popcorn -Goldfish crackers -Fruit roll ups -Ring pop candy -Circus clown ball -Grandmas cream cookies -Smiley face gift tote. A fun gift for any occasion!

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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