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Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (Paperback)

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Product Name
Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (Paperback)
Product Description

This volume presents six alternative approaches to studying second language acquisition - alternative in the sense that they contrast with and/or complement the cognitivism pervading the field. All six approaches - sociocultural complexity theory conversation-analytic identity language socialization and sociocognitive - are described according to the same set of six headings allowing for direct comparison across approaches. Each chapter is authored by leading advocates for the approach described: James Lantolf for the sociocultural approach; Diane Larsen-Freeman for the complexity theory approach; Gabriele Kasper and Johannes Wagner for the conversation-analytic approach; Bonny Norton and Carolyn McKinney for the identity approach; Patricia Duff and Steven Talmy for the language socialization approach and Dwight Atkinson for the sociocognitive approach. Introductory and commentary chapters round out this volume. The editor s introduction describes the significance of alternative approaches to SLA studies given its strongly cognitivist orientation. Lourdes Ortega s commentary considers the six approaches from an enlightened traditional perspective on SLA studies - a viewpoint which is cognitivist in orientation but broad enough to give serious and balanced consideration to alternative approaches. This volume is essential reading in the field of second language acquisition.

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February 4, 2025

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