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The Room Within (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Room Within (Paperback)
Product Description

The Room Within is a retrospective survey of a poetic career dating back to the late fifties. A student of Yvor Winters at Stanford Moore Moran has deservedly earned a reputation along with fellow Winters students Turner Cassity and Edgar Bowers as a poet s poet. The Room Withinis a retrospective survey of a poetic career dating back to the late fifties. A student of Yvor Winters at Stanford Moore Moran has deservedly earned a reputation along with fellow Winters students Turner Cassity and Edgar Bowers as a poet s poet. He stands though not as a disciple but as a poet who has earned his own voice over the decades a voice at once familiar and haunting down-to-earth and carefully wrought-a unique sensibility that emerges not full blown but rather line by careful line.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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