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Running the Border Gauntlet: The Mexican Migrant Controversy (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Running the Border Gauntlet: The Mexican Migrant Controversy (Hardcover)
Product Description

This concise and cogent history of the Mexico/U.S. border conflict analyzes the acts that led to the current U.S. policy and its effects on immigration. Although immigration and the U.S./Mexico border are perennial election issues few Americans are aware of the long history of racial political religious and class conflict that have resulted in America s contentious immigration policies. Running the Border Gauntlet traces this complex history examining events that eventually led to the forceful annexation of the majority of Mexico under the pretense of Manifest Destiny and that contribute to tensions between the two nations today. The story begins with religious discord between Protestants and Catholics and continues through the development of an economy based on slave labor the annexation of Texas the Mexican Revolution the Bracero Program NAFTA and the war on drugs. Among other revelations the book challenges the long-held myths of the Texas revolution and the heroic role of the Texas Rangers and documents a continuing disregard for the welfare of indigenous populations. Drawing on all that went before it explains not only the how and why of current U.S. immigration policy but also its often-devastating effects on migrant workers.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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