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Terrorist Groups Are Aligning To Conduct Global Terrorism (Paperback)

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Terrorist Groups Are Aligning To Conduct Global Terrorism (Paperback)
Product Description

Terrorism was once a topic limited to certain sectors of the world such as the Middle East or South Africa. However in recent years it appears that no one is safe in any part of the globe. A growing number of countries must take measures to protect citizens and visitors from the threat of terrorism. The Unites States of America is the latest addition to this list. It has become evident in recent years that terrorism is no longer a localized event but rather an increasing global problem. It has also become obvious that terrorism requires a global solution as well. Evidence has been mounting that terrorist groups are beginning to connect and form alliances. This gives them greater strength and greater resources. It seems they are finding common ground and are beginning to coordinate efforts. This will be the topic of the proposed research. The research contained in this dissertation supports the formation of terrorist coalitions by examining extensive information contained in United States Department of State Annual Reports on Patterns of Global Terrorism. It examines the recent trend towards former single terrorist organizations forming alliances in order to conduct large-scale global acts of terrorism. The findings of this report support the thesis that terrorist groups indeed are cooperating for the purposes of a common cause. The interconnectivity of financing and the sharing of training grounds for these groups are examined in detail. Better communications technology has played a significant role in the formation of these groups and the abilities of these groups to conduct coordinated acts of terrorism against multiple nations.

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March 4, 2025

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