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Soft Skills for It Professionals Building a High-Performance Team (Paperback)

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Product Name
Soft Skills for It Professionals Building a High-Performance Team (Paperback)
Product Description

Building a High-Performance Team is intended to provide IT managers with informative and practical advice and tips on how to create a high-performance team. IT managers work cannot be achieved without collaboration and teamwork. Whether leading a team or working as a team member or part of a cross-functional team the successful implementation of IT projects depends on effective team working. This book will help you to create a strong team. It is designed to assist you in understanding the characteristics of a high-performance team to help you assess where your team stacks up and to develop a plan of action for realising team potential. The author Sarah Cook is the Managing Director of The Stairway Consultancy Ltd. She has 15 years consulting experience specialising in team building leadership and change and a background in industry. Sarah is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development with an MA from Cambridge University and an MBA. She is an accredited user of a wide range of psychometric and personal diagnostic tools.

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March 4, 2025

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