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Projects for New Technologies in Education: Grades 6-9 (Paperback)

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Projects for New Technologies in Education: Grades 6-9 (Paperback)
Product Description

This text integrates CD-ROMs online databases telecommunications and information networks (e.g. CompuServe America Online 20th Century Video Encyclopedia) into resource-based instruction-cooperatively planned by the teacher-librarian and the classroom teacher-for students working in cooperative learning groups. Step-by-step procedures for planning and implementing technologies into both library and classroom curriculums help educators use technology to teach research skills. With a hands-on approach this book complements Barron s New Technologies for Education 3d edition (Libraries Unlimited 1997) (p. 00) and will serve as a practical planning tool for busy school librarians and media specialists classroom teachers computer coordinators and anyone involved with educational technology. A variety of subjects are covered in the units (e.g. immigration environment) and projects are flexible enough to allow for the interchange of technologies. Provided for each are an introd

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March 4, 2025

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