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E-Habits: What You Must Do to Optimize Your Professional Digital Presence (Hardcover)

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E-Habits: What You Must Do to Optimize Your Professional Digital Presence (Hardcover)
Product Description

What Does the Digital You Look Like? What you read - Where you shop - How you communicate with coworkers friends and strangers - Whom you interact with on social networking sites . . . these are just a few of the things that make up the Digital You. The Digital You is a complex mosaic of habit subconscious acts of both omission and commission and premeditated presentations. It is how our peers and friends bosses and family actually experience us as ever more of our lives in the real world takes place in the digital one. The purpose of this book and the associated software . . . is to help you begin to experience yourDigital You in the same way that everyone around you does. -- From e-Habits by Elizabeth Charnock For the millions of people like us whose lives are increasingly lived online E-Habits is the first-ever digital image makeover guide that empowers you to present yourself in the best possible light with every electronic action--whether on the Internet or within your own organization. Elizabeth Charnock a pioneer in the field of digital evidence analytics reveals what everyday activities--looking for a job applying for a loan searching for romance e-mailing coworkers--tell others about us. By showing what you can do to assess andcontrol the information about you that s out there Charnock outlines the steps you can take right now to ensure that the Digital You--the image of yourself that you present online--is the best representation of your values your work yourself. Learn the e-habits of highly effective people such as: How to protect yourself at work--the e-habits that can make you more productive and keep your career on track The most dangerous Digital You character traits to avoid--and the best e-habits to adopt What successful people can teach us about using the Digital You to improve the Real You The first resource of its kind E-Habits provides the knowledge and tools including exclusive Digital Mirror Software that you can start using right now to accurately and candidly evaluate what your online behaviors reveal about you--and the steps you can take to maintain and improve your digital identity integrity. Far more than a handbook about online smarts E-Habits is the essential guide to personal brand management in the digital age.

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March 4, 2025

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