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McGraw-Hill s 10 ACT Practice Tests (Paperback) by Steven W Dulan

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Product Name
McGraw-Hill s 10 ACT Practice Tests (Paperback) by Steven W Dulan
Product Description

9780071736978. New condition. Trade paperback. 3rd ed. Language: English. Pages: 846. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 846 p. Contains: Illustrations black & white. McGraw-Hill s 10 Practice Acts. This title features helpful practice tests for acing the fastest-growing standardized exam. The ACT is growing into the most preferred entrance exam by colleges and universities across the country. So if you want to get into the school of your choice you need to achieve your best score on the ACT. You need the experts on your side! McGraw-Hill s 10 Practice ACTs offers the most ACT practice available anywhere. It includes 10 complete sample ACTs with in-depth explanatory answers for every question that act as a mini-review for ACT test topics. It features eye-catching 8-page Welcome section including 50 top strategies for test day ACT study plan getting the most from the tests using online resources and more. New: It includes: free access to more practice ACT tests online; in-depth explanations for each question; and scoresheets to monitor your progress and predict your score. Topics include: introduction; using this book; understanding the ACT; your ACT study plan; and 50 top strategies for test day.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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