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DataVac 117-117308 Metro DataVac Electric Duster - White

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Product Name
DataVac 117-117308 Metro DataVac Electric Duster - White
Product Description

Remove dust dirt and debris from electronic equipment and other surfaces with the Metrovac ED-500. It is designed to serve as an effective alternative to canned air products. It comes with a 12 conductor cord that allows you to use it across rooms. The Metro DataVac electric duster is made with steel enamel to provide a durable finish. You can use it in your home or place of work. It has a built-in handle with grooves that make it easy to grip and it comes with interchangeable dusting tools. Knobs on the bottom are designed to keep it in an upright position. Add this to your cleaning supplies to deliver a powerful dusting experience.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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