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Music Reference Collection Violin Music by Women Composers: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide Book 22 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Music Reference Collection Violin Music by Women Composers: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide Book 22 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Provides convenient access to a body of solo recital concerto and chamber music literature that will enrich the repertoire of the violinist. Includes a biographies section which briefly summarizes the life and work of women composers from the Baroque to 20th century American and International. The music section identifies and describes compositions in 12 genre categories. The discography organizes recorded works by composer and by title. Reference and Research Book News This bibliography enhances the repertoire of the violinist by providing convenient access to a new solo recital concerto and chamber music literature: the music of women composers. While other source books exist in which some of this information could be found it is often incomplete or in such abundance that selection is difficult. This well-organized bibliography will not only simplify the process of obtaining such information but it represents a valuable contribution to the relatively new study of the musical compositions of women. Violin Music by Women Composers is divided into three main sections: Biographies Music and Discography. Preceding these is a general alphabetical index to all the composers included in the work with reference to information on them contained in the three main sections following. The Biographies section is divided among five eras beginning with Baroque and concluding with Twentieth Century International. The second section of the book Music is organized in twelve genre categories in which composers are entered alphabetically along with the titles of their compositions. Wherever possible information is provided on date of composition publisher and/or source and duration; often with additional comments included. Library sources are given for manuscripts and for published music that is out of print; otherwise a current publisher is listed. The Discography section organizes recorded works alphabetically by composer then alphabetically by title. This section also includes a directory of recording companies. The volume concludes with a bibliography and references. Violin Music by Women Composers is a unique up-to-date and thoughtfully organized resource. Exploring its contents will certainly inform and add to the repertoire of violinists and their presenters.

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March 4, 2025

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