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Teach Yourself: Alfred s Teach Yourself to Play Mandolin: Everything You Need to Know to Start Playing Now! (Paperback)

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Product Name
Teach Yourself: Alfred s Teach Yourself to Play Mandolin: Everything You Need to Know to Start Playing Now! (Paperback)
Product Description

Learn to play mandolin and open up a brand new world of musical knowledge with this exciting method from Alfred. Beginners of all ages can start their journey to a lifetime of musical enjoyment. Beginning with the fundamentals you will learn about the history of the mandolin its components picks how to tune it and getting acquainted with standard musical notation. You will then move right along to playing different notes scales and songs lesson by lesson all while continuing to increase your ever-growing knowledge of reading and understanding standard musical notation. You will learn important mandolin techniques such as tremolo cross picking and more. Upon completion of the book you will be able to play your favorite songs on the mandolin know how to read music and play with a musical group in many different styles including folk blues country and even pop. The book features the following resources for reference during and after your lessons: * Mandolin accompaniments * Mandolin chord dictionary * Mandolin fingering chart Be your own teacher and let Alfred be your resource every step of the way.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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