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1 oz Silver Bar - Stagecoach (Fractional)

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Product Name
1 oz Silver Bar - Stagecoach (Fractional)
Product Description

Make a safe and smart investment by purchasing the Not Specified Bar Stagecoach Silver Bar. This item is an interesting Silver bullion barter product marketed to the survivalist. If something major were to happen and the dollar were to plunge you will always have the Stagecoach silver 1-oz bar as a source of currency. Depending on when it s cashed in it could end up being worth much more than the initial cost. The .999 silver bar has a small and compact design that makes it easy to store away until it s needed. It will make a thoughtful gift for a child or newly married couple. The Not Specified bar Stagecoach Silver Bar conveniently has score lines that allow it to be divided into 4 equal sized parts if the need arises.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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