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Big Dot of Happiness 70’s Disco - How Many Candies 1970s Disco Fever Party Game - 1 Stand and 40 Cards - Candy Guessing Game

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Product Name
Big Dot of Happiness 70’s Disco - How Many Candies 1970s Disco Fever Party Game - 1 Stand and 40 Cards - Candy Guessing Game
Product Description

Organize an exciting activity with the Big Dot of Happiness 70’s Disco Candy Guessing Game! This classic party game is perfect for your Prom Decades or Birthday Party and can be enjoyed by all ages. To play grab a jar and fill it with bite-sized candies of your choosing. Display the 70’s Disco sign and cards next to the candy jar and have your guests fill out a card to include their name and guess. Whoever guests the exact amount or closest amount wins! As a bonus the jar of candy can be a prize for the winner! Professionally printed double-sided on sturdy cardstock paper 70’s Disco Candy Guessing Game comes with 1 sign with stand and 40 guessing cards. To assemble the sign fold the sides of the stand toward the center and then fold the support piece of the stand down until it rests in the notches. Sign measures to be 7.5” wide by 11” tall and cards measure to be 3.5” wide by 2.25” tall. Add some interactive party fun to your celebration when you use the 1970s Disco Fever Candy Guessing Game!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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