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Weapons Tests and Evaluations: The Best of Soldier of Fortune (Paperback) by Peter Kokalis

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Product Name
Weapons Tests and Evaluations: The Best of Soldier of Fortune (Paperback) by Peter Kokalis
Product Description

9781581601220. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. Contains: Unspecified. For more than 20 years Peter G. Kokalis has traveled the globe - often risking enemy fire - to bring his readers more exclusives than any other writer on small arms. In this comprehensive anthology of his best articles from SOF and Fighting Firearms magazines you ll get authoritative reviews and detailed information on dozens of handguns rifles SMGs sniper rifles and shotguns. You ll also travel with Kokalis as he trains El Salvador s Atlacatl Battalion and goes where no Western writer has gone before for his groundbreaking eight-part series examining the weapons of the Chinese army. This is a must-read for anyone interested in modern weapons.

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March 4, 2025

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