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Healing Bipolar and Depression : My Journey to Whole Health (Paperback)

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Product Name
Healing Bipolar and Depression : My Journey to Whole Health (Paperback)
Product Description

This book is a must-read for those who are affected by bipolar and depression. I loved your book it was so informative. A lot of the books on this subject are written by people in the medical field and are extremely hard for the average person seeking information to understand. Your book however was written as an insight to what it s like to be on the inside of the condition to live through and overcome something that a lot of us just don t understand. --- Deborah Borecki Suzy lays out for us so poignantly not only her harrowing journey to health but to faith. We share in her sorrows and victories and learn right along side of her the steps necessary to rebuild both mental and physical health. --- Bill Lenhart There is hope for those who want to be well. Suzy Hoseus was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the early 1980 s. At that time she was hospitalized and told there was no cure for her disorder. After being on medications for twenty years she became a likely candidate for colon cancer. Today she is symptom free and has not had so much as an aspirin since 2000! Healing Bipolar and Depression is the inspiring story of God s grace and healing upon Suzy s life.

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Last updated
January 14, 2025

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