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Betrayal: Clinton Castro & The Cuban Five (Paperback)

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Product Name
Betrayal: Clinton Castro & The Cuban Five (Paperback)
Product Description

On February 24 1996 three Brothers to the Rescue aircraft took off from South Florida on a search and rescue mission meant to save the lives of Cuban balseros - yet their mission would end in death with two planes shot down by Cuban MiG fighters. Four aviators were lost - Carlos Costa Mario de la Peña Armando Alejandre and Pablo Morales. Their murders were perpetuated by La Red Avispa the Cuban Five spy ring and a DIA analyst turned Cuban agent Ana Belen Montes Castro s Queen of Spies. Betrayal: Clinton Castro & The Cuban Five compiles extensive research sworn testimony and fact. It reveals a cover up spanning the Florida Straits from Havana to Washington D.C. It uncovers that senior Clinton Administration officials including Sandy Berger Bill Richardson Richard Nuccio retired Pentagon brass U.S diplomats and even members of the U.S. media were forewarned by Castro of the shootdown yet somehow did nothing to stop the murders. Cuba declares them heroes yet the Cuban Five are serving jail sentences for espionage and murder. Now in an opening gesture toward improving relations with Havana the Obama Administration contemplates their release - but will the USA have to go so far as to pardon murderers?

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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