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Handbook of Research on E-Services in the Public Sector: E-Government Strategies and Advancements (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Handbook of Research on E-Services in the Public Sector: E-Government Strategies and Advancements (Hardcover)
Product Description

We live in an increasingly interconnected and highly sophisticated society where the Internet has led to tremendous improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. The Handbook of Research on E-Services in the Public Sector: E-Government Strategies and Advancements illustrates how technology in e-government saves individuals significant amounts of time and money while adding value to citizens experiences with government thus better serving their needs. This handbook provides comprehensive coverage of the issues facing managers consultants and practitioners in e-government and assists them in formulating ICT strategies for use within their field. These new strategies will enable them to implement collaborative policy initiatives within the private public and non-profit sectors to ultimately eliminate the global digital divide.

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March 4, 2025

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