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Device and Circuit Cryogenic Operation for Low Temperature Electronics (Hardcover)

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Device and Circuit Cryogenic Operation for Low Temperature Electronics (Hardcover)
Product Description

Device and Circuit Cryogenic Operation for Low Temperature Electronics is a first in reviewing the performance and physical mechanisms of advanced devices and circuits at cryogenic temperatures that can be used for many applications. The first two chapters cover bulk silicon and SOI MOSFETs. The electronic transport in the inversion layer the influence of impurity freeze-out the special electrical properties of SOI structures the device reliability and the interest of a low temperature operation for the ultimate integration of silicon down to nanometer dimensions are described. The next two chapters deal with Silicon-Germanium and III-V Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors as well as III-V High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMT). The basic physics of the SiGe HBT and its unique cryogenic capabilities the optimization of such bipolar devices and the performance of SiGe HBT BiCMOS technology at liquid nitrogen temperature are examined. The physical effects in III-V semiconductors at low temperature the HEMT and HBT static high frequency and noise properties and the comparison of various cooled III-V devices are also addressed. The next chapter treats quantum effect devices made of silicon materials. The major quantum effects at low temperature quantum wires quantum dots as well as single electron devices and applications are investigated. The last chapter overviews the performances of cryogenic circuits and their applications. The low temperature properties and performance of inverters multipliers adders operational amplifiers memories microprocessors imaging devices circuits and systems sensors and read-out circuits are analyzed. Device and Circuit Cryogenic Operation for Low Temperature Electronics is useful for researchers engineers Ph.D. and M.S. students working in the field of advanced electron devices and circuits new semiconductor materials and low temperature electronics and physics.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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