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Vegetarian Meal Prep : Everyday Recipes (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Vegetarian Meal Prep : Everyday Recipes (Hardcover)
Product Description

Do you feel like preparing meals quickly enough with as many vegetarian recipes that are easy to apply? The author of this book Kevin Smith suggests several easy to make vegetarian recipes keeping the fridge full and allowing you to spend a lot of free time! We are fortunate that today we live in a world where there are many plant-based options making the preparation of vegetarian meals much more accessible. The most popular ways to prepare vegetarian meals include: Prepare Meals: Full meals cooked in advance that can be refrigerated and heated at mealtimes. This is especially useful for meals at dinner time. Batch Cooking: Make large batches of a specific recipe then divide it into individual portions to be frozen and consumed in the coming months. These are the most popular options for hot lunch or dinner. Individual portioned meals: Prepare fresh meals and portion them into individual portions to store in the refrigerator and consume over the next few days. This is especially useful for quick lunches. Ready-to-cook ingredients: Prepare the necessary ingredients for specific meals in advance to reduce cooking time in the kitchen. The method that works best for you depends on your goals and your daily routine. Start by choosing the most interesting method then experiment slowly with others to determine the one that works best for you.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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