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Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents (Hardcover)
Product Description

The incidence of acute and overuse sports injuries in children and adolescents are increasing. Radiologists need to be familiar with the advantages and limitations of the various imaging modalities used to evaluate the injured young athlete. This book written by leading experts from Europe and the United States covers a wide spectrum of sports injuries seen in children and adolescents. The first part comprises a series of introductory chapters on topics such as the clinician s viewpoint normal anatomy and variants the imaging of articular cartilage and the current role of ultrasonography. In subsequent chapters each important site of injury is considered individually with the aid of informative images. The final part of the book resembles an atlas and presents the most commonly encountered injuries in the popular sports of football skiing water sports tennis and gymnastics. Throughout particular attention is paid to the most recent advances in knowledge and imaging.

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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