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The Scotch-Irish and their First Settlement on the Tyger River and other neighboring precincts in South Carolina (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Scotch-Irish and their First Settlement on the Tyger River and other neighboring precincts in South Carolina (Paperback)
Product Description

By: George Howe Orig. Pub. 1861 Reprinted 2020 36 pages New Index soft cover ISBN #0-89308-465-4. Dr. Howe gives a brief recount of the people who moved from Scotland to Ireland and hence to Pennsylvania and South Carolina. The major families of Lancaster Union and Spartanburg Districts of that migration are mentioned as well as their activities in the Revolution. Some of the ministers and dates of establishments of the Presbyterian churches are given which makes this an excellent general history. An Index has been added for easy reference. Some surnames in this Index are: Alexander Allison Anderson Barry Bay Beaty Brandon Brown Caldwell Calhoun Clowney Collins Creswell Cunningham Davies Davis Dickinson Dillard Dodd Edwards Ferguson Fuller Fulton Gaston Gilleland Hamilton Hammond Hughs Jamison Jolly Kennedy Kershaw Knox Lewis McAden McCreary McElhenny McIlwaine Martin Miller Norton Orr Otterson Patton Pearson Peden Ramsay Richardson Simpson Snoddy Storey Summer tate Templeton Tennent Thomas Thompson Vance Waddel Williams Wilson Wood and Young.

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