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Dr. Scholl’s Black Massaging Gel Posterior Seat Cushion 46100WDI 2.83 lb

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Product Name
Dr. Scholl’s Black Massaging Gel Posterior Seat Cushion 46100WDI 2.83 lb
Product Description

Take the next step in driving comfort with the Dr. Scholl’s Massaging Gel Posterior Cushion. From the experts in biomechanics this innovative cushion brings you enhanced support making it especially beneficial for longer car rides. Its distinctive design is made to absorb shock with multiple layers of foam bolstering a memory foam core. The top layer is crowned with orthopedic gel that relieves body heat buildup and gently massages your muscles so trips of any length will feel more relaxed. At 2.83 lbs the overall ergonomic design soothes lower body discomfort and promotes a healthy posture.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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