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Future Women: Minority Female Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the era of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (Hardcover)

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Future Women: Minority Female Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the era of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (Hardcover)
Product Description

Of the $424.7 billion of funding raised in the past decade for startup companies less than 2% went to minority women founders. There is tremendous opportunity to be gained in the new digital economy. With an emphasis on diversity and inclusion at the center of this new economy the time has come for minority women to be part of the building process! All it takes is to pick up the hard-earned lessons from CEO and Founder of Patientory Chrissa McFarlane in her latest book FUTURE WOMEN - Minority Female Entrepreneurship and the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the ERA of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. By the end of FUTURE WOMEN... you ll be inspired to find your passion for contributions in this new digital landscape. It s time for Future Women to claim their place in the Fourth Industrial Revolution! Let s begin

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December 8, 2024

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