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Weaver on Strategy : The Classic Work on the Art of Managing a Baseball Team (Paperback)

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Product Name
Weaver on Strategy : The Classic Work on the Art of Managing a Baseball Team (Paperback)
Product Description

During his career as the manager of the Baltimore Orioles Earl Weaver was called baseball s resident genius. His distinctive style of managing helped his teams finish first or second thirteen times in his seventeen years as a manager. This volume reveals Weaver s approach to the game with a focus on how to manage a roster a lineup and a pitching staff. He defines the differences between running a team during a single game and managing it during an entire season. In his characteristically blunt style Weaver explains everything from how to tell when a pitcher is tiring to how and when to argue with an umpire. Successful ball clubs still mimic his offensive strategies. Readers of this updated edition will learn new ways to think about the game as it s played today.

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Last updated
December 6, 2024

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