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Focusing on the conceptual understanding of mechanics this exciting new text addresses new developments in the methods of analyzing mechanics problems. It fully incorporates the highly sophisticated computational software packages currently available to students. Emphasizing the use of vector mechanics and vector mathematics in its treatment of statics the book provides transition material to higher level courses and provides a wealth of problems to foster understanding. All sample problems and the use of computational software (Mathcad MATLAB Mathematica and Maple) are presented in four separate manuals (one for each software program); each manual explains how to use the software package to solve the example problems in the book. * Text designed to be used in conjunction with a computational software package and an accompanying manual. The manual includes all the examples from the text and key stroke instructions for the applicable tool - and allows the student to compute solutions and to visualize physical properties. * Explains how to use the software to solve the problems in the text. * Uses computational software as a vector calculator. * Enables students to perform vecto
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