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MFM Peel & Seal PowerBond 250

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Product info

Product Name
MFM Peel & Seal PowerBond 250
Product Description

MFM Peel & Seal PowerBond 250 is a 25 mil patented cross-linked waterproofing tape that uses a highly aggressive asphalt adhesive that combines with a proven UV-stable outer film to form a long-lasting barrier to protect against harsh weather. It can adhere in temperatures as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit and features an easy release liner. MFM manufactures Peel & Seal PowerBond 250 to tape seams on aluminum panels and flash material for gutters roofing and doors. Peel & Seal PowerBond 250 is thinner and more aggressive than the Original Peel & Seal making it a superior choice and is easier to install. Its unique formula creates a weather and water protection barrier allowing for this rolled roofing to be exposed to sunlight indefinitely. It sticks to most surfaces for a sealing bond around fasteners and conforms to odd shapes. Peel & Seal PowerBond 250 is backed by a 15-Year Limited Warranty to ensure its reliability. These rolls come in the options of 4in. or 6in. wide rolls and in carton options for larger applications.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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