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Pre-Owned Chinese for Dummies [With CD (Audio)] (Paperback) 1118436660 9781118436660

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Chinese for Dummies [With CD (Audio)] (Paperback) 1118436660 9781118436660
Product Description

The fun way to learn to speak Chinese With more than 1.2 billion speakers across the globe -- and with nearly 3 million in the U.S. alone -- Mandarin Chinese claims the top spot as the world s most common language. If you want to learn this language to get ahead at school or work or to make your travel to China easier this is the handy reference you ll want by your side. Chinese For Dummies teaches basic grammar as well as the necessary vocabulary to make introductions and greetings use proper etiquette make small talk make transportation arrangements order food and beverages ask directions deal with money shop access recreation and handle an emergency. Concentrates on Mandarin Chinese and features new and revised content Includes major updates to all the necessary foundational information needed to speak Chinese Covers grammar verb conjugations and pronunciations Offers a refreshed mini-dictionary complete with even more vocabulary Find free conversational audio tracks online As the Chinese economy continues to grow the importance of Chinese as a trade language will also increase. If you re a student or business professional who has a basic understanding of the language you ll be poised to surpass your peers when it comes to dealing with international markets. So get started today

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October 22, 2024

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