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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Cryptography: Proceedings of the Workshop on Cryptography Burg Feuerstein Germany March 29 - April 2 1982 (Paperback)

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Cryptography: Proceedings of the Workshop on Cryptography Burg Feuerstein Germany March 29 - April 2 1982 (Paperback)
Product Description

T. Beth (Ed.): Cryptography - EUROCRYPT 82 LNCS 149 pp. 1-28 1983. 0 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1983 3 Having all of a sudden left the shady corner of semi-military art modern cryptography has become a central topic of research in all areas of communication science. Definitions (cf. Bauer pp. 31 - 48) Cryptographic measures are applied to p- tect valuable data during transmission against unwanted interception INTERCEPTOR Fig. A: passive violation and (possibly undectable) forgery . Fig. 2: acti-se violation In accordance with the subsequent paper of Bauer (pp. 31 - 481 the technique applied to meet these requirements is called en- tion. In this process the transmitter enciphers (or encrypts) a plaintext message into a ciphertext. 4 ciphertexc ciphering Fig. 3: The Wire-tap-channel This transformation is called a cipher(function) which the au- rized receiver deciphers (decrypts). An enemy is a person or institution who wants illegal access to the messages. Assuming that the enemy can only get hold of the ciph- texts he has to perform a cryptanalysis in order to reconstitute the plaintexts. To add to the difficulties for a cryptanalyst the cipher functions are chosen to a varying parameter called the key. A generator cryptosystem consists of a class of injective cipher functions ES: M-C mapping plaintext messages(EM) into ciphertexts(EC) . The parameter s runs through the set K of keys. These formulations are best demonstrated by the basic classical examples.

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