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Guitar Recorded Versions: Robert Johnson - The New Transcriptions (Paperback)

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Guitar Recorded Versions: Robert Johnson - The New Transcriptions (Paperback)
Product Description

(Guitar Recorded Versions). A must-have for all blues guitarists this exciting publication is the most complete Robert Johnson collection ever! It includes note-for-note transcriptions in notes & tab for all 29 songs ever recorded by this elusive legend plus two alternate takes. Newly discovered authentic tunings and capo placements are also part of the package. Songs include: Cross Road Blues (Crossroads) * Dead Shrimp Blues * Drunken Hearted Man * Hell Hound on My Trail * Honeymoon Blues * I Believe I ll Dust My Broom * Kind Hearted Woman Blues * Love in Vain Blues * Malted Milk * Milkcow s Calf Blues * Ramblin on My Mind * Sweet Home Chicago * When You Got a Good Friend * and more. Also includes an introduction.

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Last updated
September 24, 2024

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