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Foundation Drupal 7: Learn How to Use the Drupal Framework to Quickly Build Feature-Rich Websites (Paperback)

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Foundation Drupal 7: Learn How to Use the Drupal Framework to Quickly Build Feature-Rich Websites (Paperback)
Product Description

Drupal is a content management framework that powers web sites from simple online brochures to more advanced sites including social networking sites blogs e-commerce sites business portals and more. It is free open source software that allows anyone to quickly and easily build web sites. Its full range of modules--including user permissions security mechanisms JavaScript menus image uploaders WYSIWYG editors and more-- helps you easily create the foundation for a powerful web site. With its templating system (and a few tips and tricks) any graphic design file can be used to create a Drupal web site. Foundation Drupal 7 covers all the topics necessary to quickly build Drupal-powered web sites explaining in simple terms how Drupal works and providing you with concepts tips and code snippets for every step of the development process. From setting up a Drupal-ready web host and installing Drupal to using the administrative interface and configuring a site from start to finish there is something here for everyone. In addition to thoroughly discussing all of Drupal s core modules this book reviews more than 50 contributed modules including WYSIWYG HTML editors JavaScript drop-down menus web forms and even the powerful Views module. Stephanie Pakrul creator and maintainer of the Fusion theme coauthors a chapter on how to lay out and add graphics to a site through Drupal s administrative section. After reading this book you will walk away with everything you need to know to quickly and successfully build a Drupal-powered web site. Whether you re an experienced Drupal site builder looking to expand your skills a web developer or designer interested in learning Drupal or a weekend hobbyist looking to build your first site Foundation Drupal 7 will give you the knowledge and inspiration you need to bring your ideas to life.

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March 4, 2025

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