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Knowing: Climb Knowing Aim: Philosophical Quotes & Poems (Paperback)

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Product Name
Knowing: Climb Knowing Aim: Philosophical Quotes & Poems (Paperback)
Product Description

This collection of original quotes and poems focuses on common issues in human pursuits. It is the fifth entry in the six-volume Knowing series which includes Live Knowing Life Love Knowing Love Pine Knowing Pain Shine Knowing Shame Climb Knowing Aim and Knowing Won t Let Darkness Reign. All parts of the series and their contents can be read without a particular sequence or pacing.Like my other works this book does not claim indisputable wisdom. It offers crystallization points for readers thoughts and emotions to help them delve into what matters to them and find motivation and understanding for a good life. Helping readers in their discovery and pursuit of happiness is also the intent of my main work Philosophy of Happiness which systematically surveys human conditions to empower readers in developing their own responses. The Knowing series books can therefore be introductory or illustrative companions to Philosophy of Happiness. But they can also be sampled on their own for inspiration - or just diversion and entertainment for now to maybe be revisited for deeper reflection some other time. Either way they do not presume any background in philosophy. This makes them ideal starters for readers trying to figure out their life with the support of philosophical consideration. More information about me and my work is available on my website:

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March 4, 2025

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