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#canstilllovefoodonketo: Easy Keto Meal Ideas and Recipes For Beginning A Low Carb Can Still Love Food Lifestyle (Paperback)

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#canstilllovefoodonketo: Easy Keto Meal Ideas and Recipes For Beginning A Low Carb Can Still Love Food Lifestyle (Paperback)
Product Description

Beginning Keto Cookbook. With all of the hustling and bustling we do in life we find it hard to really take care of our health and don t eat health consciously. It s so easy to pick up our phones and order pizza uber eats door dash Grub hub etc. As a former restaurant owner I was guilty of this myself. After long hard days of being in the kitchen cooking for others the last thing I wanted to do was come home and cook for my family. I know your scratching your head right now but its true.Our busy society forces us to crave comfort food in the little down time that we have because it seems to be our only comfort. After years of making these kind of bad food choices it is proven to take a toll on our bodies. We start getting conditions such as depression fatigue obesity diabetes high blood pressure etc. The list goes on and on. I found myself with several of these conditions and from my family history these conditions when added up for too long would ultimately lead to heart failure.I had to make a lifestyle change immediately and permanently. After much research I found Keto was the best diet for me. I hate calling it a diet. Because for me and my family it really has become a way to still be able to eat the same type of comfort foods we were used too just by altering the ingredients to make that food much healthier. Before this my favorite cooking ingredients were butter heavy cream olive oil flour and cheese. All of these ingredients are allowed to be used in Keto cooking except the flour. I had never used any flour alternative for anything. I was brought up cooking with flour so this was my biggest hurdle. But I quickly realized there are so many ways to make healthier lower carb versions of your favorite things like pizza dough bread biscuits cookies cakes etc. with flour alternatives. Once you do this you realize that it s just a change of ingredients you can still eat the foods you love by adapting them! This book is my favorite comfort foods that I have adapted to make them low carb and Keto friendly. I have had so much success that I wanted to share my story recipes favorite food brands and hacks I ve learned with everyone.

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March 4, 2025

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